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The Gift Shop


Mink Touch Love Blanket, Queen Size, 60 in. x 80 in.

Mink Touch Love Blanket, Queen Size, 60 in. x 80 in.

Fabric is a Soft, Cozy, Light Weight Fleece. (280gsm)

Quantity Limited! Queen Size 60" x 80"

Love Blanket Design:

Covers of the 4 books, and all published glyphs)

Words: Gabriel, Michael, Ariel, Raphael, Metatron, Sandalphon, Blessings Divine Light, Violet Flame, Gratitude, Language of Light, Regenerate, Believe, Grace, Joy, Hoʻoponopono

Saying inside the Sun:  I surround myself with a field of White Light that is impenetrable by any energy or forces that are not in harmony with my body

Mink Touch Healing Comfort Blanket, Size: 50 in. x 60 in.

Fabric is a Soft, Cozy Lightweight Fleece. (280gsm)

Quantity Limited! Size: 50 in. x 60 in.

Glyph Design:

Blanket Includes:  Various Glyphs, approximately 78


1st Box:  I Am Love, I Am Light, I Am Divine, I Am Unlimited, I Am Invincible, I Am Grateful, I Am Calm, I Am Always Protected

2nd Box:  

Focus on Gratitude.   I Bless All of my Ancestors and Hold them in The Light

3rd Box: 

I'm Sorry Please Forgive Me  I Love You Thank You.   I let go of all within me that is not love

4th  Box: 

I see myself as loving unconditionally and strive to view each person as the Light that they are

5th Box:

Incredibly Powerful Glyphs That Can Change Your Life.   Dr. Jean Logan Sacred Symbols Holy Ground Farm

Line above the last row:

As I breathe in the breath of life I see my body in total balance, in total control of who I am and my understanding of my life

Mink Touch Healing Comfort Blanket, Size: 50 in. x 60 in.

Mink Touch Flower Blanket, Size: 50 in. x 60 in.

Flower Glyph Blanket, Size: 50 in. x 60 in.

Fabric is a Soft, Cozy Lightweight

Fleece. (280gsm)

Quantity Limited! Size: 50 in. x 60 in.

Glyph Design: Floral pattern

Blanket Includes:  Various Glyphs, approximately 110